Open Path is supported by the team at Green River. Learn more about our company.


Green River provides Open Path as Software as a Service (Saas)

The price we charge is derived from two factors:

Our effort provided


Our hosting infrastructure costs

We calculate a fee model that covers engineering, project management, and support effort provided directly to you, as well as contributes to the overall maintenance and evolution of the platform. We also consider overall data set size, which impacts Green River’s cloud hosting costs. 

The specific number of users, projects, or reports does not matter.

What can impact cost is platform customization and extensive new feature development. However, unlike many commercial system vendors, we encourage and actively facilitate system alteration: following the ethos of an open source project supported by a strong engineering team, we see implementing features requested by communities as an ideal way to both improve the software, and create a pathway for communities to share their strategies and solutions with others.

Contact us to learn more about Open Path. 

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