Elliot Anders

Software Engineer, Partner

  • Group:Engineering, Partners

Elliot Anders

Software Engineer, Partner

Elliot joined Green River with already over 10 years of custom web development experience, bringing a suite of skills from enterprise database design to interactive UI implementation. With a professional background mainly in education, aside from being at times a full time developer, Elliot was IT Director for Marlboro College, IT Director of the Mohawk/Hawlemont Regional School District, and co-author (and companion software developer) for the environmental chemistry textbook, “A Basic Introduction to Pollutant Fate and Transport: An Integrated Approach with Chemistry, Modeling, Risk Assessment, and Environmental Legislation.” He also spent several months trapped in the Biosphere 2 in Oracle, Arizona.

Elliot holds a B.A. in Environmental Chemistry from Whitman College, and lives in Brattleboro with his wife and two children