State of Delaware – My Healthy Community

Empowering residents and medical professionals with comprehensive, up-to-date, and actionable public health and COVID-19 data
HIPAA Checker

Protecting privacy in the neighborhood-level release of health information: An algorithm for publishing localized health data in compliance with HIPAA
Better Maps

A methodology for creating granular—yet anonymized—topologies of disease
My Healthy Community Featured in Delaware Journal of Public Health

Green River was pleased to collaborate with state epidemiologist Tabatha N. Offutt-Powell and her colleagues at the Delaware Department of Health and Social Services (DHSS) on an article published in the July 2021 issue of the Delaware Journal of Public Health (DJPH)
Saving the Lives of the Homeless and Most Vulnerable During the Pandemic

On March 30, Boston Mayor Martin J. Walsh announced the city’s plans to create subsidized housing for one thousand Boston families at heightened risk of being displaced from their homes and left homeless amid the pandemic’s economic fallout.